September 17, 2024
Most recently I have been working on Q+, a superscalar
processor core with vector registers and came up with the following for
implementing the RAT and register renamer.
a RAT in an FPGA with a Circular-List Renamer
© 2024
Robert Finch
The RAT, register alias
table, is a component in a superscalar design that tracks register mappings
between architectural logic register numbers and physical register numbers.
Mapping physical registers for logical ones is used to remove false
dependencies between instructions. The RAT typically must operate within
one processor clock cycle to avoid increasing the depth of the pipeline.
There are several components to register renaming in the CPU.
The register renamer.
checkpoint RAM.
And the
checkpoint valid RAM.
The register renamer is a component that provides a physical
register name for a logical one. The checkpoint RAM stores the mappings of
physical registers for logical ones for multiple checkpoints used during
branches. The checkpoint valid RAM holds a valid bit for each physical
register for each checkpoint. During a branch miss, a checkpoint of the
register mappings and valid state is done. The checkpointing includes
copying the entire state from the current mappings.
RAT Dependency Logic
WAW, write-after-write,
and RAW, read-after-write dependencies must be detected and accounted for
when mapping registers. This typically involves priority logic to cause the
newest register mapping to be loaded into the RAT in precedence over older
ones. The prioritizing logic is used as a spatial multiplexor. Making using
of FPGA characteristics, this can be turned into a temporal prioritizer which is more hardware efficient. The
prioritizing logic can be removed, leaving only the multiplexor.
RAMs in the FPGA are just
about as fast as logic, given that logic is implemented with RAMs. So,
given a certain logic depth allows the RAM ports to be prioritized
temporally while still meeting CPU clock requirements. In the Q+ design,
the RAT write ports are implemented by multiplexing them using a five-times
overclock of the CPU clock to provide up to four write ports per CPU clock
cycle. This takes the place of priority encoding the inputs and handles WAW
dependencies. By carefully choosing the order the ports are processed in,
newer RAT entries can overwrite older ones, so the RAT mappings always
reflect the newest association. Effectively older mappings are loaded into
the RAT, but they get overwritten by newer ones.
RAM Reduction
Temporally prioritizing
the write ports means reducing the amount of RAM required to represent the
RAT by a factor of four. In Q+ the RAT checkpoint valid RAM requires eight
write ports, the multiplex reduces this to two. A RAM with two write ports
is easily handled by duplicating the RAM and using a live-value table to
track which RAM contains the valid mapping. A side-effect of reducing the
RAM requirements significantly is that the size of the RAT is reduced which
may help the timing.
Circular List (CL) Renamer
Regarding the CL-renamer. The typical fifo
based approach allows “perfect’ allocation of registers that never stalls
the pipeline. Registers are always available from a pool of registers. For
Q+ an imperfect economy renamer is used which
uses a minimum number of LUTs. It is implemented as a simple circular list
of registers using FPGA shift registers rather than a fifo.
The register list has an available bit associated with each register. Every
clock cycle when a register name is needed the list is rotated. The
register name rotated into view may not be available, in which case the
CPU’s pipeline is stalled, and the register list rotated again. Because the
oldest registers are rotated into view first, they are typically available
for allocation because they have been freed at the commit stage, long ago.
The rename list has ¼ of the physical registers in it and four separate
lists are used to make rename registers available for four targets each
clock cycle. Because there are 127 registers in the list, it is 127
instruction groups before the same register comes up for allocation. In
most cases the register will be free already. The implementation is not far
enough along to measure the impact of this sort of renamer.
Renamer Overclock
The circular-list renamer (CL-renamer) is
simple enough that it has the potential to operate at a multiple of the CPU
clock rate. FPGA shift registers are extremely fast. This would allow
stalls to be avoided by skipping over registers not available for
allocation while remaining with the same CPU clock.
Software Stall Removal
Another approach to
avoiding stalls by the CL-renamer would be for
the compiler to insert MOV instructions periodically for values that are
long term. For instance, if a value is resident in a register for more than
100 instructions, then it could be moved to the same register forcing a
rename operation and releasing the old register. However, this would
require that the compiler know about the move instruction during the
optimization stage, so that the MOV does not get optimized away.
March 25, 2024
Is there a calculus of
rules? I asked this question on reddit a while ago and got a couple of
references to various forms of calculus.
Rather than post my
notion on reddit again. I thought I would just put it on my webpage.
Basically, the idea comes from the fact that there are rules and then more
general rules to express mathematics. If there are rules, and more general
rules, is it possible to graduate between the rules at a fine level, as is
done for other forms of calculus?
Just thinking about the
calculus of rules some more, and noting that
irrational numbers are defined by rules. The difference between two
irrational numbers can be taken and might be used to establish a set of
rules in between. So, take the difference between pi and e for instance.
Where fpi() is the rule determining pi and fe()
is the rule determining e. Fpi() – Fe() = fpime(). Fe() plus this
difference fpime() in rules would be equal to fpi(). One could differentiate the rule to infinity by
taking the limit as the number of differences in rule approaches zero.
Limit: Fpi()-Fe() / n
where n goes to infinity. I think that would result in a continuous a set
of rules between e and pi. <- I think this may just be a calculus of
variances though, not of rule.
December 15, 2023
Started working on a new CPU core in November called Qupls or Q+. It is a four-way out-of-order superscalar
core taking a different approach than the previous Thor cores. While being
four-way and having a 32-entry ROB, the core is smaller than the two-way
Thor core. The core supports a 64-entry general purpose register file.
Instructions are placed in blocks and processed in groups of four. More
documentation for the core can be found in github
at: https://github.com/robfinch/Qupls/tree/main/doc
Also updated the website to remove advertising. It was
not generating any revenue and maintaining it is a pita.
March 20, 2022
I have been working on Thor2022 since January. Reduced
the number of registers from Thor2021 to 32 regs from 64 regs and modified
a few of the instructions. Many of the opcodes remain the same. My most
recent work has been on a hash table for virtual memory. The hash table is
implemented entirely with block RAM using about 1/3 of the RAM in the FPGA.
The virtual memory pages are 64kB in size which means the translation table
is reasonably small for the 512MB RAM on the board. There are 16384 entries
allowed for in the hash table which are grouped together into groups of
eight. So, there are 2048 groups of entries. A hash of the virtual address
selects a group of entries. Then all eight entries are searched in parallel
for a translation match. Given the large size of a page, I came up with a
way of using 1kB sections of the page. Multiple virtual addresses may map
to different sections in the same physical page. It has kept me busy for a
December 7, 2021
Most recently I have been working on the Thor processing core
version 2021. I post in a blog style almost daily at anycpu.org. Thor is
another 64-bit processor. The ISA features support for vector operations.
Instructions are 16,32,48 or 64 bits, but most instructions are 48-bit. 64
GPRs. The project is located in github.
April 13, 2020
Added a chapter from a book I’ve been working on to the
flash fiction section of the website. Lately I’ve been delving into the
format of numbers in particular the posit number
format which promises higher accuracy and greater dynamic range than
regular floating-point numbers.
February 27, 2020
I’ve been browsing the S100Computers.com site. Wanting to
expand the FPGA computer into multiple boards I was searching for a
suitable bus standard to connect the boards. Several bus standards come to
mind. PCI Express being a more recent bus. I like the high-speed serial
nature of PCI Express, it makes a lot of sense to save pin counts and
offers great performance as well. It is however somewhat of a closed bus
standard. Other bus standards that come to mind are PCI, ISA, NuBus, ECB bus. I studied them all. They all have
features I like and dislike. I’d like to see a bus with 48-bit addressing
for instance. It’s possible to modify the bus standards slightly to get
48-bit addressing. I’m leaning towards developing my own bus standard for
hobby use. I want prototype boards to be small, several of the bus
standards have connectors that are too large. I’ve sketched out a
high-speed serial bus that uses HDMI transceivers. Not as fast as PCI
Express but hopefully still useful. The interesting thing about using HDMI
is the clock and signal recovery capabilities. using differential pair
signalling (TMDS) should help with noise immunity. Just a thought for now.
February 9, 2020
Most recently working on the Petajon
project, a 64-bit machine with the intention of debugging the Femtiki operating system. Not so recently created a
32-bit version of the 6522, via6522 to go along with the uart6551. As usual
the cores are under my Github account.
July 15, 2019
The most recent update of the website is a reference to
the uart6551 core on the 6502 page. The uart core is 32-bit with the low order eight bits
register compatible with a 6551. It features fifo’s
(not present on a 6551) and extended baud rate selection.
June 8, 2019
I spent some time researching and coming up with versions
of a reciprocal square root estimate. The estimate is used in computer
graphics in particular for shading effects. One implementation
for reciprocal square root was used in the Quake game. I coded a pretty
direct version of this algorithm in Verilog using floating-point components
previously developed for multiply and add/subtract. Then I created a second
version using a state machine to eliminate a couple of the multipliers by
using them sequentially. Finally, I came up with a table version of the
reciprocal square root estimate that’s not based on the algorithm. The
table lookup version is the smallest and fastest core, it’s also the least
accurate. The table lookup version is accurate to better than 3%. All three
versions were placed in the same file and selectable via constant
definitions. The code for the core is available on my Github
account under the rtfItanium core, floating point
The table lookup version makes use of two tables and
conditional logic which forces the output to infinity for suitably small
values of input. It’s interesting because a 16k entry table was compressed
down to 8k entries by noting where values were infinite. At entry 8129 of
16384 and beyond values become meaningful. 64 entries before 8192 are
stored in a separate small table (68 entries), then entries 8192 to 16383
are stored in an 8192-entry table. What is stored? The tables can be
compressed by noting that the estimate won’t be accurate to more than six
bits because that’s all the mantissa bits that can be used to index into
the table. So, the table only stores nine bits of the mantissa of the
estimate. Seven bits of the table are used to store the exponent of the
estimate. In almost all case only seven bits of the exponent need to be
stored because the top bit is set to zero by the square root operation. The
cases where this isn’t true are fit into the smaller 68 entry lookup table.

June 3, 2019
It’s been a while since I updated the
site. I’ve been busy working on the FT64 and then the rtfItanium.
The rtfItanium is a three-way superscalar core
capable of executing up to three instructions at a time. In some ways it’s
simpler than the FT64 though. It makes use of 40-bit instructions in a
128-bit bundle with an 8-bit template. The instruction decoder is simpler than
in FT64. The source code for the core is located under my github account.
October 8, 2018
The Goldschmidt divider is fast and
reasonable to implement. It makes use of two multipliers and a shift
register. The Goldschmidt divider is described adequately in several
different webpages. A key to getting the divider to work well is to choose
the first factor carefully.
The FT64 project is coming along
nicely. A test system has been built and loaded into an FPGA. It’s still a
challenge to get everything working. The test system includes a GPU which
executes a subset of the FT64 instruction set.
March 12, 2018
Most recently
I've been working on a project to emulate the 6567 chip
using an FPGA and verilog code. The project is
called FAL6567 and project outputs in my Github
account. Part of the project is a 65816 based low power computer.
Slightly less recently the FT64 project was born. In it's current rendition it's a two-way super-barrel
processor with 32 hardware threads. FT64 uses a 36 bit
instruction encoding. Also on Github.
October 13,
I've stayed
away from the tech side of things for a couple of months now. It's good to
take a break from whatever you're doing once in a while.
I've been busy playing video games, setting up a stock trading account, and
doing illustrations for a book. The most recently added flash fiction is a
story called "Birth of a Mutant". Nothing like a home-made
nuclear reactor to warm up those cold winter nights. Like most of my
stories it's a mash of real and fictional events.
June 30, 2017
Most recently
I've been experimenting with grid computers. FPGA's
are large enough to support multiple processing cores. The first grid
computer was made from multiple (56) Butterfly16 cores. Each node in the
grid has access to 8kB ram and rom along with a router. The grid computer
doesn't do much at the moment besides display the
results of ping operations to other nodes from the master.
January 8, 2017
Added an
updated PSG32 (programmable sound generator or sound interface device) to
the audio cores section. It uses 32 bit frequency
accumulators rather than 24 bit to allow a higher range of input clock
frequencies to be used. Registers are now 32 bits wide. A couple of new
features have been added to the core including FM synthesis and reverse
sawtooth waveforms.
December 13,
I've moved back
to playing with "firm" ware. My most recent endeavour is the DSD7
(Dark Star * Dragon Seven) core. It's a 32 bit
core with 80 bit extended double precision arithmetic. I really wanted the
core to help validate an FPU. It seems to work okay. For the next core I'd
like it to support the 80 bit format and one
thought is to just make the entire core 80 bits. There's a lot of problems
dealing with 80 bit quantities when memory is
often a power of two in size (32/64/128 bits). For DSD7 the problem was
delt with by using triple precision (96 bits) for a storage format even
though the hardware only supports 80 bits. Using 96 bits rather than 80
bits had the benefit of keeping the stack word aligned. Why not just use 64
bit double precision ? Sometimes it doesn't have
enough precision. It's only about 16 digits. Suppose you want to work with
numbers accurate to six decimal places, that leaves only 10 digits to the
left of the decimal available. In some circumstances that isn't quite
enough. 80 bit precision gives a few extra digits.
One thought I have for an FPGA based FPU is to use 88 bit
precision. The multipliers in the FPGA can produce efficient 72 bit results which would be good for the mantissa.
That's about 21 digits. 72 bit mantissa + 15 bit
exponent + 1 sign bit is 88 bits. A larger exponent isn't really needed,
the 128 bit IEEE format uses only a 15 bit
exponent. Going with more mantissa bits in an FPGA uses resources less
October 16,
The latest
batch of work has been on a simple .MNG file viewer. It is capable of
viewing MNG files in the simplest format. Finray
has been extended with the ability to loop back and parse multiple frames
of information. From this it can generate simple animation. It stores
sequences of PNG bitmaps which can then be loaded with FNG (The MNG file
viewer) and turned into simple MNG files.
April 27, 2016
For the past
couple of weeks bitmap controllers have been on my mind. It's amazing how
something fundamentally simple can get to be fairly
complex. The basic operation can be summed up in a single line. A
bitmap controller reads through memory in a linear fashion and outputs to a
display. However once you throw in options to
support multiple display resolutions and color depths things start to get
complex. For the latest bitmap controller added on top of simple display
capability is pixel plotting and fetching. Pixel plot / fetch is a
reasonable operation to perform in a bitmap contoller
as bus aribtration for memory is already present.
Depending on the color depth pixels may fit unevenly into memory locations.
This can result in complicated software to fetch or store a pixel. Software
can be made simpler by provided a hardware pixel plot and fetch.
March 08, 2016
I've been
experimenting with ray-tracing and come up with a
"simple" ray-tracing program. The program uses a ray-tracing
script file (.finray) to
generate images. The script language supports generation of random vectors
so that random colors and positions may be used. It also supports composite
objects and repeat blocks. The display of a group of object
may be repeated a number of time. The image below shows some sample output.

March 03, 2016
I took a break
from FPGA cpu's for a bit to develop some games.
I created a rendition of the venerable asteroids game. It's available for
download in the software directory.
Jan 09, 2016
I've been
experimenting with error-correction for the memory components of the latest
system. I found a bad bit in the host system and the way to work around it
was to use error correcting memory components. The diagram below shows the
error correction associated with DRAM memory. It stores an eight bit byte plus five syndrome bits in a sixteen bit
memory cell. The reason I chose to error correct on a byte basis rather
than a word basis is that correcting on a byte basis doesn't require
implementation of read-modify-write cycles.
error checking is included there is some justification for using bytes
larger than eight bits in size. A five bit
syndrome can provide error correction information for up to eleven data
bits not just eight bits. Using eleven bit bytes
plus five bits for error checking it would fit nicely into 16 bits. One
would likely be using a 16 bit path to store an
eight bit byte plus five bit syndrome to memory. So why not use all the
bits and go with eleven bit bytes instead ?

October 24,
Most recently
I've been working on porting Fig Forth 6502 to the RTF6809 and converting
it to use 32 bit Forth words. It doesn't quite
work yet, but it's close. Forth is an interpretive computer language. I
hope it to be able to make use of the RTF6809's 32 bit
address space. The work is posted on my github
June 25, 2015
I've started
yet another FPGA processor project called Dark Star Dragon One (D.S.D.1).
Featuring variable length oriented instructions,
segment registers, branch registers, and multiple condition code registers.
Yes this does mean I'm shelving the FISA64 project
for now.
The author is of the opinion that any serious processor
will have variable length instructions, the improvement in code density and
cache usage is just too great to avoid. 16 bit
instruction were added to FISA64 and improved code density by about 20%.
Having an inherently variable length architecture should improve things
even more.
Segment registers do get used in general purpose
applications. DSD1 will be reusing some of the segmentation model from the
Table888 project.
The branch register set is really just
a collection of registers that are specially defined in most instruction
sets. This set includes the program counter, exceptioned
program counter, return address register and others. In this design they
are given their own explicit register array.
April 21, 2015
FISA64 is continuing
to occupy my time. I've been posting about it frequently in BLog style at anycpu.org. Yesterday's work was on the
compiler try/catch mechanism and getting CTRL-C events to be handed to
tasks. In the past month I've written a system emulator for the FISA64 test
system and have been using it to test out software. I added then removed
bounds registers from the processor design, then added a simpler check
(CHK) instruction instead.
March 15, 2015
Tonight's quandary is a design decision that leaves the
same FISA64 branch instruction branching to one of two different locations
depending on whether or not it's predicted taken.
FISA64 makes use of immediate prefixes to extend immediate values beyond a 15 bit limit set in the instruction.
Branch instructions can’t make proper use of an immediate
prefix because they don’t detect an immediate prefix at the IF stage in order to keep the hardware simpler. (There is no
requirement for conditional branching more than 15 bits). However a branch instruction just uses the same
immediate value that is calculated for other instructions in the EX stage.
This could lead to branches branching to two different locations if an
immediate prefix is used for a branch.
For example if a prefix is used
with a branch, BEQ *+$100010 for instance (the $100000 displacement would
require a prefix). Then the branch will branch to *+$10 if it is predicted
taken (ignoring the prefix), but to *+100010 if it’s predicted not taken,
then taken later in the EX stage.
If the branch is predicted taken, it’ll branch
using the 15 displacement field from the
instruction. If the branch is predicted not taken, but is taken later in
the EX stage, it’ll branch using the full
immediate value, which with prefixes could be up to 64 bits. The solution
is that the assembler never outputs branches with prefixes. There is no
hardware protection against using an immediate prefix with a branch.
In the IF stage ,rather than
look at the previous instructions for an immediate prefix, the processor
simply ignores the fact a prefix is present, and sign extends the branch
displacement in the instruction without taking into account a prefix.
IF stage:
if (iopcode==`Bcc && predict_taken) begin
pc <= pc + {{47{insn[31]}},insn[31:17],2'b00}; // Ignores
potential immediate prefix
dbranch_taken <= TRUE;
However, the EX stage uses a
full immediate including any prefix, also to simplify hardware.
EX stage:
`Bcc: if (takb
& !xbranch_taken)
update_pc(xpc +
{imm,2'b00}); // This uses a “full” immediate value
December 28,
modes in a modern processor are boring. For the typical RISC processor only
a single address mode is supported because it's the minimum needed. That
address mode is register indirect with displacement. A register is added to
a displacement to form the memory address. Sometimes indexed addressing
using two registers is also supported. Few new processors have available
memory indirect addressing modes. The plethora of addressing modes on an
older processor like the 680x0 series made the processor interesting. The
key benefit to memory indirect addressing modes is that it allows pointers
stored in memory to be larger than the size of a register. This is put to
good use in the 6502 processor. In the latest ISA FISA64 memory indirect
address modes are available to experiment with. a 128 bit
address space is supported using memory indirect address modes.
December 12,
lesson is one about clock gating. When a clock is gated
it introduces a buffer delay to that clock tree. If the ungated version of
the clock is also being used, the buffer delay in the ungated version needs
to be matched with that of the gated clock. Otherwise
if the buffer delay isn't matched the P&R tools may have a heck of time
trying to meet timing requirements.

December 10,
IEEE standard
for floating point isn't the simplest thing to get working, or so I'm
finding out. I've spent some time recently working with floating point
units both standard and non-standard. One can do a lot of computing without
floating point. Many early micro-processors didn't support floating point
at all. How to incorporate floating point into an older system using an eight bit micro came to mind. FT816Float is a memory
mapped floating point device oriented towards byte
oriented processing. It's a bit non-standard and makes use of a
two's complement mantissa rather than a sign-magnitude one.
November 7,2014
Yet another ISA
is born this past week. FISA64 is a 64 bit ISA
that attempts to overcome the shortcomings run into with the Scarerob-V ISA. Rather than having a segmentation model
that works automatically behind the scenes, the FISA64 ISA requires
"manual" manipulation of the segment registers. This is possible
by supporting two modes of operation: kernel and application. In kernel
mode the address space is a flat unsegmented one. This allows the segment
values to be manipulated without affecting the processor's addressing. The
segmentation model supports up to a 128 bit
address. The processor does not support a paging system.
November 3,
I spent the
past week or so working on a new ISA. Well I synthesised
an implementation of it, and it's too big. Too big at (122 %) the size of
the FPGA. It's a shame because it had a nice segmentation and protection
model, similar to x86 series. Projects tend to get
bigger with bug fixes, so there's no way to shoehorn it into the FPGA. So for now it's another project that's being shelved.
Time to get back to a basic simple 32 bit ISA. Why
not RISC-V ? I'm not overly fond of the ISA layout
and the branch model. There's also fewer
instructions than I like to see in the base model. Sure
the ISA can be extended with brownfield or greenfield extensions but then
there's the issue of compatibility. If one is going to go to the trouble of
extending the ISA and developing toolset changes to support the extended
ISA, why not just start one's own ISA ? One wants
to use an existing ISA to leverage the use of the ISA's toolset.
October 31,
Scarey Halloween. They're back. The nightmare of segment
registers. I wasn't going to include them in the latest ISA design, but
I've changed my mind after reading up on how they are used in a modern OS.
Normally segment registers (CS, DS, SS) are initialized to zero and left
alone. However other segment registers (FS, GS) can be used like an
additional index register in an instruction to quickly point to thread
local storage and global storage areas. So I've
added segment base registers to be used in this fashion to the latest ISA
design. The latest ISA in the works is called Scarerob-V
given that it's halloween, and other recent
events. Scarerob-V ISA makes use of variable
length instructions which are much shorter than those of Table888.
October 22,
(riscv.org) has a lot going for it.
Variable length instructions, extensibility with 32/64/ and 128 bit versions. A simple base ISA and a number of standard extensions. It seems to be one
worth studying and I've spent some time studying this recently. It's become
an implementation project on my todo list. The
RISC-V ISA is an ISA that attempts to please all. It'll be interesting to
see how well it works in practice.
October 4, 2014
A couple of
Flash-Fiction stories have been added recently to the website. A page for character
descriptions has also been added. The Finitron
verse is slowly expanding.
August 19, 2014
Back to the
drawing board. I've started working on yet another soft processor core,
expanding my toybox furthur. The instruction set
will be similar to Table888's. Support for a
segmentation model is not going to be provided. Also dropped is index
scaling on the indexed addressing mode. The new core will stay with a 40 bit fixed size opcode, and 256 registers.
July 15, 2014
I've taken a
break from my normal HDL artistry to work on a piece of software that
generates artificial maps. The basic map generator is based on something
called a Veronoi fracture map. The fracture map
simulates lumps of matter composing the planet. Previously the map
generator was based on a fractal generator which generated nice looking maps but they weren't very realistic (it placed
mountains in the centre of continents). Now mountains are along the coast
and where there is extreme difference in elevation, more in line with

July 10, 2014
Learning more about
the .ELF file format and how to link object files together was the order of
the day. .ELF files are a popular standard file format used to represent
executable and relocatable files. I was looking at the extended ELF64 file
format developed by HP/Intel with the intent of supporting the format for
the Table888 project. The A64 assembler can output .ELF files in addition
to binary and listing files. In theory the L64 linker can link together .ELF relocatable files produced by the
assembler. It's the first time I ever wrote a linker, and there's still a
couple of issues to resolve with it.
July 01, 2014
Got hung up on mneumonics. The compiler called the exclusive or
function XOR and the assembler recognized only EOR. A quick fix to the
assembler allows it to recognize XOR as well as EOR as the same
instruction. I can never make up my mind on that one, so I'll just support
it both ways. All kinds of different mnemonics are used to represent
essentially the same instructions in different assembly languages. Is that
ADDC the same as the ADC in another instruction set ?
One has to research carefully sometimes while
working with assembler code. Is SED set the decimal mode or set the
direction flag ?
June 21, 2014
I needed
something small and simple to test the C64 compiler with and I needed some
sort of file system available for my system. Luckily
I found ChaN's FatFs which
fits the bill. ChaN's system provides all the
basics for a FAT file system operating in an embedded system. All one needs
to do is to supply a few interface routines to the low
level disk access. I've been busy working towards a simple SD Card
access system. My current goal is to be able to load and run a file from
the card. After a few compiler fixes I've got as
far as being able to display a directory. It's a slow
going circus dance.
June 12, 2014
FPP (Finch's
macro pre-processor) has been updated with some bug fixes. It's undergoing
testing by compiling the MINIX system. The fixes include an operator
precedence problem fix and a macro expansion bug fix. The pre-processor was
originally written in 1992 so it's now 22 years old. Recent work has been
on the C64 compiler, modifying it to support the Table888 processor.
June 8, 2014
escape is clock throttling. Clock throttling or controlling the clock rate
can be used to control power consumption. The lower the clock frequency is,
the less power is used. Power as we all know is physically proportional to
frequency. Being able to control power consumption is one place where a
gated clock might be used. Generally speaking
gating clocks is not a good idea but occasionally it is done. Fortunately the FPGA vendor provides a clock gate
specifically for handling gated clocks. Incorporated into Table888 (the
latest processor work) is a clock gating register. This register is filled
with a pattern that controls the clock gate, for power control.
June 3, 2014
NOP Ramps are
my latest craze. |n order to avoid really complicated
hardware, the concept of NOP ramps can be used. I'm talking about what
happens when instructions cross page boundaries in a system with memory
management. The problem with instructions spanning page boundaries is
classic. If there is memory management page miss, the instruction needs to
be re-executed once the missing page is brought into memory. In order to ensure proper operation both the missing
page and the previous page need to be in memory. Re-executing instructions
can be a non-trivial problem. Fortunately what I'm
working on only has a handful of instructions that can cross page
boundaries. Rather than attempt to re-execute the instructions, the
assembler just forces the instruction into the next page of memory by
inserting NOP instructions. Hence it's the NOP
instructions that span the page boundary. If there is a need to re-execute
them, then it is trivial to do so. NOP ramp example:
41 F8 2A 90 00
16 01 24 00 00
00008FFA EA EA
; imm
FD 70 FF 03 10
A0 00 01 00 18
sb r1,LEDS
May 15, 2014
One can write a
lot of code using just three registers if one codes in assembly language
and is careful. With just a few registers to work with, a byte-code
processor can offer high code density. This is great for microcontroller
type applications where memory space may be constrained. What if one wants
more registers in order to support a compiled language ?
RISC processors were originally designed for high performance with compiled
languages. The typical RISC processor uses a fixed size instruction format.
Unfortunately, one size does not fit all instructions, and the result is
that code density for the typical RISC style suffers. To improve code
density one can look at the typical operation
performed and encode them in as few bits as possible. Allowing the size of
instructions to vary in a design based on a RISC processor, results in a
kind of hybrid processor; the worst of both
worlds. Lower code density and higher complexity. Unfortunately
processors become complex anyways when they have to support legacy systems.
Trends for currently popular architectures include variable instruction
sizes (ARM, INTEL) and flags registers (ARM, INTEL, SPARC). If one removes
the limitations of a fixed size instruction set, one can optimize
instructions for code density. It's amazing how adequate a branch
instruction composed of an eight bit opcode, and
an eight bit displacement is. This sixteen bit
instruction covers about 90+% of the cases where a branch would be used.
The RTF65003 strives to have a good mix of legacy support, while adding
additional registers and increasing the addressing space. It is necessarily
more complex than an new design.
May 14, 2014
What's better
than the RTF65002 ? - The RTF65003. There are
several things I don't like about the RTF65002 so
I started working on a better version. One item is the branch target
address. In native mode on the RTF65002 the target address is computed
relative to the address of the instruction; this is different than the '02
and '816 where the address is computed relative to the address of the next
instruction. The '003 follows the convention set by the '02. Another issue
is the different code and data addresses of the RTF65002. The RTF65002 is a
word addressed machine for most data operations and this makes it difficult
to use with a compiled language like 'C'. I decided before putting a lot
more work into porting software, to create an improved version of the
processor. The RTF65003 has byte addressable memory operations, and greater
support for different operand sizes. Byte (8 - bit) or character (16 -bit)
prefix codes can be applied for memory operations to override the default
of a word sized operation. Prefix codes are used to modify the behaviour of
following instructions rather than creating a whole bunch of rarely used
May 12, 2014
Compiled code
for the RTF65002 generated signed multiply instructions which hadn't been
added to the processor. Two possible solutions were to either change the
compiler so that it generated code to perform sign adjustments or modify
the processor to include signed multiplies. Thinking that adding signed
multiplies to the processor would generate too much additional overhead,
they had been left out; I decided to try adding them. Well, lo-and-behold
adding the functionality made the processor smaller and faster (by about
5%!). I guess adding the opcodes simplified the instruction decoder.
Encouraged by this good fortune I decided to try adding signed division and
modulus operations as well. Doing this resulted in almost no impact to the
size or speed of the processor. So the RTF65002
now supports both signed and unsigned multiply / divide / modulus
May 11, 2014
I love today's
machines. It makes it possible to do things that were impossible on those
of yesteryear's. Take for example a string handling
library. The descriptions of the strings can consume more memory than ever
before. The current string library I've got makes each string a member of
an all strings list, so that all the strings can
be garbage collected all at once. Making a list like this isn't practical
on a small machine because it would consume too much in the way of memory
resources. I also blithely load entire text files into strings, rather than
process a line at a time. It seems like poor programming practice, but it's
really in the interest of simple algorithms.