Death By G

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Story Synopsis (Spoiler)

The protagonist called "Peter" has a heart-wrenching job to do.


1.    She’d finally been caught. One of the worst serial killers of the time in the area. Nobody suspected her at all until finally one day she’d lost a fight with an older woman, who then turned her into the police. She was just 13, and had killed 24 people already. She said she loved to kill people, and she wasn’t going to stop. These are details Peter got handed to him. It was very upsetting, heart-breaking. The court system decided to execute the girl, and she’d made one final last request. She wanted Peter to be her executioner. He’d been told he didn’t have to do it, but it felt like bad karma not to grant the girls’ last request. Somehow she knew who Peter was even though he’d never met her. Her choice: death by guillotine. Her last words made it clearly apparent that she was a sociopathic killer. Society had to protect itself. It was tough to do, but the knowledge that it was the right thing to do, made it easier. Her last words were “I’ll come back from the dead one day, you’ll see.”